Collective Variables

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Collective variables (CVs) define a subset of configuration space in which free energy is being calculated.

The CV definition can be read either from the input file or from an external file. The mode will depend on configuration in the [files] section. If the value of the fcvsdef key contains the name of the group (e.g. string starting with the "{" character) then the CV definition will be read from this group in the input file. Otherwise the CV definition will be read from a file with the name provided by the fcvsdef key. In the later case, the CV definition must be in the {MAIN} group (which is implicit and can be omitted in the file).

The group or file can contain several collective variables. Each collective variable is specified in a single section. The name of the section defines a type of CV. The section contains the name key containing a unique CV name and other keys specific for a given CV type.

Extra documentation:

Supported Types

Type Description Type Description
DD distance difference DIS distance between two points
MDIS minimum value of atom pair distances MDISG minimum distance between two atom groups
ODIS distance between plane and point OPOS absolute position in oriented coordinate system
ORAD radial distance in oriented coordinate system POS absolute position
RAD radial distance
Type Description Type Description
ANG angle among three points ANG2 angle between two vectors defined by four points
AXANG angle between two principal axes AXANG2 angle between two reference axes
DIH dihedral angle among four points DIH2 dihedral angle among three vectors defined by six points
PANG angle between two planes PVANG angle between plane and vector
Coordination Numbers
Type Description Type Description
CNFF coordination number atom-atom using Fermi like function CNGFF coordination number point-atom using Fermi like function
CNSW coordination number atom-atom using switch function CNGSW coordination number point-atom using switch function
CNRF coordination number atom-atom using rational function CNGRF coordination number point-atom using rational function
Type Description Type Description
ACYL acylindricity PMGTD difference of two principal moments of gyration tensor
ASPH asphericity PMOGT principal moment of gyration tensor
SANIS relative shape anisotropy RMSDT root-mean square deviation to target structure
RGYR radius of gyration PLANE root-mean square deviation from plane
EVEC projection into esential vector
Nucleic Acids
Type Description Type Description
NABEND nucleic acid bending NAPBO primitive base opening
NASBO simple base opening NASBPP simple base pair parameters
Ring Puckering
Type Description Type Description
PUCK6Q total puckering amplitude of six-membered ring PUCK5Q total puckering amplitude of five-membered ring
PUCK6P puckering azimuthal angle of six-membered ring PUCK5P puckering azimuthal angle of five-membered ring
PUCK6T puckering polar angle of six-membered ring
Type Description Type Description
POT potential energy EGAP energy gap between two resonance states
Type Description Type Description
ADD sum of two collective variables SUB difference between two collective variables
MULT product of two collective variables DIV ratio of two collective variables
FSWITCH Fermi-like switch function RSWITCH rational switch function