ABF:Collective variables

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Navigation: Documentation / Methods / Adaptive Biasing Force Method / ABF:Collective variables

Each collective variable used in the ABF simulation is provided in a separate section [CV]. All these sections are included either in the special group if the collective variables are provided in the main control file or in the {MAIN} group of separate file. The name of the group or the file name is controlled be the fabfdef option provided in the [file] section.


Key Default value Type Description
name string The name of collective variable from the list of general collective variables. For details, see: Collective variables. The CV cannot be a member of managed path.
min_value real Minimal value used in the colective variable discretization.
max_value real Maximum value used in the colective variable discretization.
nbins integer Number of bins used to discretize the collective variable.
wfac 0 real Width for the Gaussian kernel smoothing specified a multiplication factor to bin width.

Keys in bold are mandatory.