Navigation: Documentation / Methods / Adaptive Biasing Force Method / ABF:Utilities / abf-integrate

abf-integrate: version 5.271.40980cf (2020-03-02 15:18)




abf-integrate [OPTIONS] [--] accuname fename [fullfename]


The program numericaly integrates data from the ABF calculation. The integration is performed either by reverse finite difference (RFD or RFD2) method, employing radial basis functions (RBF), or gaussian process (GPR).


accuname Name of file containing the ABF accumulator. If the name is '-' then the accumulator is read from the standard input.
fename Name of file where the resulting free energy surface will be printed. If the name is '-' then the output will be written to the standard output.
fullfename Optional name of file with free energy surface containing all rigions (sampled and unsampled).


-m, --method NAME
Integration method. Supported methods are: rfd (reverse finite differences via csparse), rfd2 (reverse finite differences via lapack), rbf (radial basis functions), and gpr (gaussian process).
(Default: rfd)
--emethod NAME
Integration method for energy cut-off. Supported methods are: rfd (reverse finite differences via csparse), rfd2 (reverse finite differences via lapack), rbf (radial basis functions), and gpr (gaussian process).
(Default: rfd)
-a, --lmethod NAME
Linear algebra method for LLS solution or matrix inversion. Supported algorithms are: default, svd (SVD - singular value decomposition, divide and conquer driver), svd2 (SVD - singular value decomposition, simple driver), qr (QR factorization), lu (LU factorization), ll (LL - Cholesky factorization). Possible combinations are: RFD(LU,default), RFD2(QR,SVD,default), RBF(QR,SVD,default), and GPR(LU,SVD,SVD2,LL,default).
(Default: default)
-r, --rcond NUMBER
RFD2+RBF+GPR: Rank condition for SVD. Used value must be carefully tested. Calculation at computer precision is requested with -1 (not recommended).
(Default: 1e-06)
-l, --limit NUMBER
Only bins containing more samples than NUMBER are considered as properly sampled.
(Default: 100)
Skip flood fill test for discountinous regions.
-q, --energylimit NUMBER
Integrate data only if the free energy is below NUMBER. This limit enforces two integration runs. Negative value disables the limit.
(Default: -1)
Remove regions with negative free energy.
Skip energy limit filter after final integration.
--mfmaxzscore NUMBER
RBF+GPR: Reject mean forces whose errors in prediction have z-score above NUMBER. In the test, it is assumend that mean force errors have zero mean and they follow normal distribution. This limit is aplied in the each pass. Negative value disables the limit.
(Default: -1)
--mfnumofztests NUMBER
RBF+GPR: Repeat z-score test for mean force errrors NUMBER times.
(Default: 1)
-s, --sigmaf2 NUMBER
GPR: Variance of the reconstructed free energy surface (signal variance).
(Default: 15)
-c, --ncorr SPEC
GPR: Number of statistically correlated samples in the form NCorr1[xNCorr2x...]. The last value pads the rest. Split ncorr mode is enabled by the --splitncorr option.
(Default: 1.0)
Use indepenedent ncorr for each CV.
-w, --wfac SPEC
RBF+GPR: Factors influencing widths of RBFs or square exponential kernels. The width is distance between the adjacent square exponential functions multiplied by this factors in the form WFac1[xWFac2x...]. The last value pads the rest.
(Default: 3.0)
--loadhyprms NAME
GPR: Name of file with GPR hyperparameters.
-t, --rfac SPEC
RBF: Reduction factor for number of RBFs. Number of RBFs in given direction is number of bins in that direction divided by this factor in the form RFac1[xRFac2x...]. The last value pads the rest.
(Default: 1.0)
-g, --overhang NUMBER
RBFs overhang to properly integrate areas near sampled edges. Ignored for periodic CVs.
(Default: 2)
RBF+GPR: Explicitly include glued regions. This options is set ON when --glueing > 0.
--glueing NUMBER
RBF+GPR: Calculate energy also for unsampled bins in close vicinity to sampled ones.
(Default: 0)
RBF+GPR: Calculate energy also for unsampled regions inside the FES.
-p, --periodic
RFD: Switch on periodicity for collective variables that are periodic.
--globalmin SPEC
RBF+GPR: position of global minimum provided as a single string in the form CV1xCV2x...xCVn (relevant for error determination), if not set the position is determined automatically.
RBF+GPR: ignore --globalmin in the final integration step
-o, --offset NUMBER
Specify an integration constant.
(Default: 0)
-e, --witherror
GPR: Estimate free energy errors.
GPR: Skip calculation of energy and errors (it can save some time when only logML is required).
--saveabf NAME
Save the final ABF accumulator into the file with NAME.
--mfinfo NAME
RBF+GPR: name of file with input and predicted mean forces.
--output FORMAT
Output FORMAT to print the free energy surface. Supported formats are: plain, gnuplot, fes.
(Default: gnuplot)
Print results for all bins even if not properly sampled.
Set energy values in unsampled region to maximum energy from sampled region or to value provided by --maxenergy.
--maxenergy NUMBER
If set, this is the energy used of unsampled regions.
(Default: 0)
Do not print header to the output file.
Include bin statuses (1=sampled, 0=unsampled, -1=glued) into resulting FES.
RFD: Use old RFD implementation.
--fdpoints NUMBER
RFD: Determine number of points employed in differenciation scheme (three or four is upported) in RFD method.
(Default: 3)
Output FORMAT, which will be used to print values of collective variables.
(Default: %15.7e)
Output FORMAT, which will be used to print values of free energy.
(Default: %15.7e)
--kernel NAME
GPR: Kernel type. Supported types: ardse (ARD squared exponential), ardmc52 (ARD Matern class 5/2), default(=ardse)
(Default: default)
GPR: Use numerical differentiation of kernel function (for testing only).
GPR: Use matrix inversion pathway (for testing only).
GPR: Calculate logPL.
GPR: Include zero-point energy at position specified by --globalmin.
GPR: Use faster algorithm for error calculation.
--keepcvs SPEC
Which CVs should be kept during statistical reweighting of FES. Flags are specified in the form CV1[xCV2x...] with F and T for skip and kept CV, respectively. The last value pads the rest.
(Default: T)
--reducedfes NAME
Name of file for FES reduced by statistical reweighting containing only kept CVs.
--temperature NUMBER
Absolute temperature for reduction of FES in [K].
(Default: 300)
-v, --verbose
Increase output verbosity.
Output version information and exit.
-h, --help
Display this help and exit.