Adaptive Biasing Force Method
Navigation: Documentation / Methods / Adaptive Biasing Force Method
- ABF:Description
- ABF:Controls
- ABF:Collective variables
- ABF:Post-processing
- ABF:Multiple walkers approach
- ABF:Utilities
- ABF:Examples
The Adaptive Biasing Force (ABF) method calculates the derivative of the free energy (PMF) using the following formula:
where ξ is the set of collective variables, t is time, and Zξ is the matrix defined as
where mk is the mass of atom with cartesian coordinate xk.
The averages over ξ are collected from unconstrained molecular dynamics. The free energy derivatives are practically calculated over discretized ranges of collective variables (CVs). Each CVi is discretized into Mi bins leading into one-dimensional bins for one CV, two-dimensional bins for two CVs, etc. In each such bin, the vector of PMF is accumulated using the formula (1). For one CV this can be written as
In the ABF simulations, the estimated PMF is used to bias molecular dynamics simulations to improve sampling in the regions exhibiting large free energy barriers.