ABF:Collective variables
Navigation: Documentation / Methods / Adaptive Biasing Force Method / ABF:Collective variables
Each collective variable used in the ABF simulation is provided in a separate section [CV]. All these sections are included either in the special group if the collective variables are provided in the main control file or in the {MAIN} group of separate file. The name of the group or the file name is controlled be the fabfdef option provided in the [file] section.
Key | Default value | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of collective variable from the list of general collective variables. For details, see: Collective variables. The CV cannot be a member of managed path. | |
min_value | real | Minimal value used in the colective variable discretization. | |
max_value | real | Maximum value used in the colective variable discretization. | |
nbins | integer | Number of bins used to discretize the collective variable. | |
maxforce | 0 | real | Maximum absolute value of allowed force to be used to bias the simulation. If the force overcomes this limit it is set to zero. This filter is not applied if the requested maxforce is zero. |
switch | 0 | real | Switching interval from the min and max values of the collective variable. In this interval, the biasing force is switched from its estimated value towards zero at the boundaries. This filter is not applied if the requested switch interval is zero. |
Keys in bold are mandatory.