Molecular Dynamics Algorithms
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Both sander and pmemd from the AMBER package use the leap-frog integration algorithm. The algorithm is demonstrated for the SANDER driver:
- Initialization (sander.F90)
- MD Loop (runmd.F90)
- Calculate Forces
- Update Velocities + thermostat
- Update Positions + barostat
- Apply Constraints for SHAKE or PMFLib constraints
- Calculate Kinetic Energy
call force(x,f,ener) ! AMBER MM potential and forces ! x - in t ! v - in t-dt/2 ! f - in t ! ener%pot%tot - in t ! ener%kin%tot - in t-dt if( ntb .ne. 0 ) then call pmf_sander_update_box(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma) end if call pmf_sander_force(natom,x,v,f,ener%pot%tot,ener%kin%tot,pmfene) ener%pot%tot = ener%pot%tot + pmfene
! backup old velocities vold(t-dt/2) = v(t-dt/2) ! update velocities v(t+dt/2) = v(t-dt/2) + a(t)*dt
! backup positions f(t) = x(t) ! update positions x(t+dt) = x(t) + v(t+dt/2)*dt
call pmf_sander_constraints(natom,x,con_modified) call shake ! f - old positions in t ! x - updated positions in t+dt ! re-evaluate velocities v(t+dt/2) = [x(t+dt) - f(t)]/dt
v(t) = [v(t+dt/2) + vold(t-dt/2)] / 2 ener%kin%tot <- v(t)
- Finalization (sander.F90)
call pmf_sander_init_preinit(mdin,natom,nres,ntb,nstlim,dt,temp0,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma) ! topology population do i=1,nres call pmf_sander_set_residue(i,ih(m02-1+i),ix(i02-1+i)) end do do i=1,natom call pmf_sander_set_atom(i,ih(m04-1+i),ih(m06-1+i)) end do call pmf_sander_finalize_preinit(natom,x(lmass),x(lcrd)) call pmf_sander_cst_init_collisions(ntc,nbonh,ix(iifstwt),ix(iibh),ix(ijbh),x(l50)) call pmf_sander_init(natom,x(lmass),x(lcrd))
call pmf_sander_finalize()