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pmf-enthalpy: version 6.380.1d87074 (2021-07-26 16:36)




pmf-enthalpy [OPTIONS] [--] accuname enthalpy


The program provides enthalpy from the PMF accumulator.


Name of file containing the PMF accumulator. If the name is '-' then the accumulator is read from the standard input.
Name of file where results will be printed. If the name is '-' then the output will be written to the standard output.


-r, --realm NAME
Intended output:
** - enthalpy as the ensemble average of the potential energy (default)
** - the ensemble average of the kinetic energy (this should be a constant for simulations at a constant temperature)
** - the ensemble average of the PMFLib restrain energy
** - enthalpy as the ensemble average of the total energy
(Default: <Epot>)
-m, --method NAME
Supported methods are: raw (data taken directly from accumulator) and gpr (gaussian process filtered data).
(Default: raw)
-a, --absolute
absolute enthalpy.
-l, --limit LIMIT
Only bins containing more samples than NUMBER are considered as properly sampled.
(Default: 0)
-e, --witherror
GPR: Estimate enthalpy errors from the GPR model. RAW: Print enthalpy errors from the PMF accumulator.
--kernel NAME
GPR: Kernel type. Supported types: ardse (ARD squared exponential), ardmc52 (ARD Matern class 5/2), default(=ardse)
(Default: default)
-s, --sigmaf2 NUMBER
GPR: Variance of the reconstructed enthalpy surface (signal variance).
(Default: 15)
-c, --ncorr VALUE
Number of statistically correlated samples.
(Default: 1)
-w, --wfac SPEC
GPR: Factors influencing widths of square exponential kernels. The width is distance between the adjacent square exponential functions multiplied by this factors in the form WFac1[xWFac2x...]. The last value pads the rest.
(Default: 3.0)
--loadhyprms NAME
GPR: Name of file with the GPR hyperparameters.
--slevel VALUE
Sigma-level for confidence interval.
(Default: 1)
--globalmin SPEC
GPR: position of global minimum provided as a single string in the form CV1xCV2x...xCVn (relevant for error determination), if not set the position is determined automatically.
-o, --offset NUMBER
Specify an integration constant.
(Default: 0)
Set energy values in unsampled region to maximum energy from sampled region or to value provided by --maxenergy.
--maxenergy NUMBER
If set, this is the energy used of unsampled regions.
(Default: 0)
Include bin statuses (1=sampled, 0=unsampled, -1=glued) into resulting FES.
--output FORMAT
Output FORMAT to print the enthalpy surface. Supported formats are: plain and gnuplot.
(Default: gnuplot)
Do not print header to the output file.
Print results for all bins even if not properly sampled.
Output FORMAT, which will be used to print values of collective variables.
(Default: %15.7e)
Output FORMAT, which will be used to print results.
(Default: %15.7e)
--lmethod NAME
Linear algebra method for LLS solution or matrix inversion. Supported algorithms are: default, svd (SVD - singular value decomposition, divide and conquer driver), svd2 (SVD - singular value decomposition, simple driver), lu (LU factorization), ll (LL - Cholesky factorization). Possible combinations are: GPR(LU,SVD,SVD2,LL,default).
(Default: default)
--rcond NUMBER
GPR: Rank condition for SVD. Used value must be carefully tested. Calculation at computer precision is requested with -1 (not recommended).
(Default: 1e-06)
-v, --verbose
Increase output verbosity.
Output version information and exit.
-h, --help
Display this help and exit.